The monks of the Abbaye Sainte-Madeleine du Barroux stream their chanted Office each day as explained on their website. For those of us who do not live in European time zones, this project attempts to automatically record their hours and make them available for download.

You can also subscribe to the hours as a podcast or on iTunes.

These are automatically generated, so there may be some errors. If you find any (or if you have any other comments), please let us know!

( 2025-03-28 )

Download mp3Play recording

Download mp3Play recording

Download mp3Play recording

The monks of the Abbaye Sainte-Madeleine du Barroux stream their chanted Office each day as explained on their website. For those of us who do not live in European time zones, this project attempts to automatically record their hours and make them available for download.

You can also subscribe to the hours as a podcast or on iTunes.

These are automatically generated, so there may be some errors. If you find any (or if you have any other comments), please let us know!



Thanks to the monks for their permission for and assistance with this project!

Thank you to Fr Z for the idea.

Button icons: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0, user Deleket

JS minifier: Apache License 2.0, author André Malo

CSS Prefixer and minifier: Apache License 2.0, author Greg V et al

If you're interested, the source code for this project is hosted on Bitbucket.

IntroductionMade on Linux.

If you're interested in helping translate this site, please contact me. You need to understand English well enough to translate it into your language.

